Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Angry White Men

Gun culture and mass shootings are expressions of the deep insecurities that afflict middle class white males who see their historic socio-economic and cultural privileges slipping from their grasp. But it is the massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to a much smaller privileged few that is actually disenfranchising the Angry White Man. Ironically, that massive transfer of wealth has been engineered by the political elites (Republican and Democrat alike) for whom the American middle class has voted in election after election since at least the 1970s.

Though middle class white males have no one to blame but themselves for their present predicament, some choose to vent their anger and frustration through acts of violence against the poor and people of color, or against the various smoke-screen diversions (like Planned Parenthood) upon which the elites (who are actually robbing them blind) have consistently laid the blame. Or even against random targets--for pulling the trigger delivers a sense of pleasurable control that they cannot find in their homes, their jobs, their churches, or the political process.

The situation is as pathetic as it is dire.

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