Friday, July 25, 2014

History Lesson

The people who called themselves "Israel," i.e., not the modern nation-state that calls itself "Israel," but that portion of the ancient Canaanite tribes that began, perhaps 3,000 years ago, to distinguish themselves from their neighbors as a people set apart--that "Israel"--set in motion a tradition of ethical reflection that gave birth, over time, to three world religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Tragically, today, there are individuals who self-identify with each of these religions and who--through their behavior, their ethics, their politics--do dirt on the powerful moral legacy of the ancient people "Israel."

And then there are others...

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Simple Steps Towards Social Salvation

Manual labor for those who can afford to pay others to do the work for them:

House and yard work for the middle class:

Green spaces for the urban poor:

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Convictionless Opportunist

Don't be fooled by Hillary Rodham Clinton. Whichever way the prevailing winds are blowing, she, like her equally opportunistic husband, can be counted on to lead by following.

Kierkegaard's counsel that "...many fools do not make a wise man, and the crowd is doubtful recommendation for a cause" makes absolutely no sense at all to this erstwhile Goldwater Republican.

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Birthday of the United States is One Thing...

The birthday of the America we hold in our hearts is quite another. That day, for citizens of the Invisible Whitmanian Republic, is July 21, 1855, the date of Ralph Waldo Emerson's letter to Walt Whitman praising the first edition of Leaves of Grass.

You can have your Bar-B-Que. And, please, try not to blow off any of your digits with the illegal firecrackers you light to celebrate your "independence" (after your 7th or 8th beer).

If you ever decide to grow up and get serious, we'll talk about that letter of July 21st and the poem it celebrates. Until then, ask yourself this question: Why must I try so hard to feel something every 4th of July?