Monday, December 28, 2015

When Will The American Public Find The Courage To Take Our Country Back?

From the "Red Scares" of the Cold War Era to the "Green Scares" post-9/11, fear has been the most potent tool in the hands of the anti-democratic Corporatocracy that rules this craven nation.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Smear Campaign Against 1/5th Of The World's Population Continues Apace

FBI Director Comey admits that the alleged perps of the San Bernadino homicides made no social media posts supporting IS.

Surprised? If so, you haven't been paying attention. This tactic has become standard operating procedure in the White Supremacist Police State. "Leak" scapegoating falsehoods to the media while you have everyone's attention and then, later, when interest wanes, issue a correction or disclaimer. The damage is done. If you are ever confronted with evidence to the contrary, pull a Ronnie Reagan "Mistakes were made" mea culpa with no consequences attached.

We will never really know what went down in San Bernadino because, conveniently, the alleged attackers were killed by the police--unlike, say, Planned Parenthood shooter Robert Dear (angry white Christian male). Once dead, they are unable to defend themselves and they and, indeed, their co-religionists the world over, can be defamed at will.

Is this a great country or what?

The "T" Is Silent

I really wish people in the media would learn how to pronounce the Donald's last name correctly. It should be obvious to everyone by now that the "T" is silent.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Donald

White America's "trump card."

One sentence in this Op/Ed requires editing (as follows): "On the one hand, Trump’s rise represents [delete: the best of] American democracy, which allows any [add: very wealthy and/or politically connected] person to run for public office and permits all views [add: deemed acceptable by the ruling elite] to be aired in the court of public opinion." Full disclosure is always best.

Every Time You Pay Your Federal Income Tax


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Angry White Men

Gun culture and mass shootings are expressions of the deep insecurities that afflict middle class white males who see their historic socio-economic and cultural privileges slipping from their grasp. But it is the massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to a much smaller privileged few that is actually disenfranchising the Angry White Man. Ironically, that massive transfer of wealth has been engineered by the political elites (Republican and Democrat alike) for whom the American middle class has voted in election after election since at least the 1970s.

Though middle class white males have no one to blame but themselves for their present predicament, some choose to vent their anger and frustration through acts of violence against the poor and people of color, or against the various smoke-screen diversions (like Planned Parenthood) upon which the elites (who are actually robbing them blind) have consistently laid the blame. Or even against random targets--for pulling the trigger delivers a sense of pleasurable control that they cannot find in their homes, their jobs, their churches, or the political process.

The situation is as pathetic as it is dire.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Runaway Train Called America

Dear Fellow Subjects of the Empire:

Ask yourselves: What is going on in these United States?


College campuses, high schools, elementary schools, movie theaters, shopping malls, churches, and office buildings have all been sites of gun and bomb-related tragedies.

As you are no doubt aware, in the past couple of months, the city of Colorado Springs alone has had three active shooter cases.

And you are worried about ISIS?

You should be angry that your government created the conditions in the Middle East that led to the emergence of a criminal organization like ISIS.


Meanwhile, the runaway train called America continues to barrel down the tracks towards oblivion...

Now, I know for a fact that many of you believe in a god, or claim to.

What kind of a god are we talking about here?

A god of war, a god of lies, a god of mass murder and mayhem for profit?

Let me ask you something with all due respect: Have you completely lost your minds?

Or have you so stupefied yourselves on drugs and alcohol, on ice cream and bacon-fat, on fried bread and virtual reality war games to the point where you don't know which end is up anymore?

Perhaps that is why you go on "pro-life" shooting sprees. Of course, it doesn't really matter how you attempt to justify your actions. All that really matters is that, with a gun, you can exercise real power over others. Because you know that, when you pull the trigger, something real is finally going to happen for you.

Disneyanity, the American religion of self-delusion, is, at bottom, pure nihilism...

Nothing but fairy dust...

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Sunday, October 25, 2015

How Long?

How long can the American people subsist on a diet of hate and fear? This poisoned cocktail fuels the engine of the Two Party system. The Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama years have been overwhelmingly colored by it: even "the man from Hope" and the candidate who made Hope one of his campaign slogans have demonstrated themselves all too capable of re-fueling the tank with the toxic brew when they felt it was politically expedient.

I came to political consciousness in a different time...

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Deja Vu All Over Again

By current standards, Richard Nixon was a Liberal. By current standards, Hillary Clinton is a Liberal. So, if Clinton is Nixon, then Trump must be George Wallace and Bernie Sanders is Eugene McCarthy.

We have all been here before.

Friday, September 11, 2015

When Oligarchs Rule

When oligarchs rule, political spectrum is lost and political spectacle fills the void.

Donald Trump is merely emblematic of this principle.

The oligarch Hillary Clinton is hardly a solution.

The feeling that you must choose one or the other is only confirmation that you are caught in a trap.

Whereas voting ratifies the oligarchic system--because it suggests that the United States has a functioning democracy--refusing to vote casts a REAL vote against the system itself.

Which would you rather do? Let your conscience be your guide.

Once again, I call for A MASSIVE NON-VOTE in 2016. De-legitimize the oligarchic system. Send it into crisis mode. Let the revolution begin.

Or stop complaining, have another glass of Kool-Aid and, between gulps, profess your love for Big Brother.

Monday, September 7, 2015

We Never Came Home

The climax of Senator George McGovern's acceptance speech at the 1972 Democratic convention in Miami, Florida:

From secrecy and deception in high places; come home, America

From military spending so wasteful that it weakens our nation; come home, America.

From the entrenchment of special privileges in tax favoritism; from the waste of idle hands to the joy of useful labor; from the prejudice based on race and sex; from the loneliness of the aging poor and the despair of the neglected sick -- come home, America.

Come home to the affirmation that we have a dream. Come home to the conviction that we can move our country forward.

Come home to the belief that we can seek a newer world, and let us be joyful in that homecoming, for this “is your land, this land is my land -- from California to New York island, from the redwood forest to the gulf stream waters -- this land was made for you and me.”

So let us close on this note: May God grant each one of us the wisdom to cherish this good land and to meet the great challenge that beckons us home.

And now is the time to meet that challenge.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Here's How It Works

As the minority party, the Republicans have come to recognize that, in order to have their way, they must work not only with the Democratic Party but through it.

In fact, shrewd Republicans prefer to work through the Dems rather than with them because, that way, the majority of the electorate can believe that it is having its way when, in fact, it is being manipulated by the minority.

In light of this fact, it should be clear that, at present, there is no Presidential candidate more acceptable to the GOP than Hillary Clinton. Her record in the Senate clearly demonstrates that she is a pachyderm at heart. How best to ensure her election? Everyone knows that Clinton has no truly viable challenger among the Democratic hopefuls so there is nothing to worry about from the so-called Party of the People. All that the Republicans have to do is throw the election. And who better to help them do that than...the Donald?

NOLA: State Of Delusion

Former presidents Bush and Clinton celebrate transformation of New Orleans - World Socialist Web Site

Friday, August 7, 2015

Meet The Senator From The State Of Israel

Chuck Schumer.

He took over the post from the former Senator from the State of Israel, Joe Lieberman.

It's important to know the true constituencies of these politicians: whose interests they represent, and whose interests they do not represent.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Photos Recently Released From Government Archives...

...pursuant to FOIA requests suggest that the tragic events of 9/11/01 were less than enthralling for the man who had helped to script them: Dick Cheney.

Friday, July 24, 2015

American Mass Murder Madness

As the stories unfold in Lafayette Louisiana and Broken Arrow Oklahoma (among other tragedies in this all-too-tragic summer), we need to ask ourselves: what is going on here?

Monday, July 20, 2015

They Won! They Won! Hallelujah, They Won!

Raising the Cuban flag on U.S. soil means one thing and one thing only: after over half a century of struggle, the great people of Cuba have beaten the last superpower!

Monday, May 18, 2015

The Trews

We Are Many

Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number –
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you –
Ye are many - they are few.

[from P. B. Shelley, "Masks of Anarchy"].

A project of the Center for Economic Research and Social Change, publisher of Haymarket Books and the International Socialist Review.