Saturday, February 22, 2020

May Bernie Sanders Finally Bring An End To The Clintonian "New Democrat"

And bring the Democratic Party back to the progressive "Old Left" of the early 20th century, giving the American electorate a MEANINGFUL choice of political visions.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

By international standards, Bernie Sanders is not the Socialist he claims to be, but a social democrat. But in the Age of American Imperialism and Neo-Liberal Capitalism unleashed, a social democrat with a significant following in the U.S. represents a small ray of hope in an otherwise hopelessly dismal political climate.

Run, Bernie, run! You're no Eugene V. Debs but, then, who really is these days?

Bernie is actually more of a "Fighting Bob" La Follette.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Stone Cold Idiot

We have former Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill to thank for this spot-on description of Donald Trump after his latest display of profound ignorance, i.e., congratulating the state of Kansas on the Super Bowl victory of the Kansas City, Missouri, Chiefs.