Wednesday, August 7, 2019

It's Easy To Despise A Creep

Although I welcome one and all who, with me, despise the current President, I am troubled by a nagging question--one I would direct especially to Liberals: Is it his policies that you despise or his personality? In other words, if he had the same policies but, say, Obama's demeanor, would his approval ratings rise far above their persistent floor of around 40%? I can anticipate the answers that Liberals would give, but I don't trust them because Liberals consistently look away from the damage that Obama's policies have done abroad (he was, after all, one of the most successful arms dealers in this country's history) and from his lackluster record on domestic issues--particularly where the poor and, ironically, people of color are concerned (and, of course, the poor in the U.S. are disproportionately people of color). I know these are unpopular questions to raise, but surely the offense ought not to lie with the questioner but with the record of our beloved # 44.