Sunday, March 29, 2015

Declassified CIA Document on Iraq War Justification

While I oppose capital punishment in principle, in this case I might be willing to make an exception...

Dream on, Cato.

Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, and Powell (the Gang of Five) will never be brought to book for their crimes because there are two legal systems in the United States: one for the rich and powerful (who are "above" the law) and another for the poor and politically disenfranchised (who may be gunned down in the streets by police officers--with impunity).

Friday, March 27, 2015

Think About It

Is it possible that our mania for security is what has left us feeling more vulnerable than at any time in our history as a nation?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What Lies Beneath the Murky Surface

Race hate is what lies beneath the Islamophobic rhetoric that abounds in the United States and elsewhere. But race hate can no longer be openly expressed, so it has been repackaged as an enlightened "concern for the rights of women and minorities under despotic Muslim rule."

Since careful analysis of actual case histories of the alleged effects of "despotic Muslim rule" upon the lives of particular women and the members of specific minority groups are rarely adduced to support such rhetoric, it is extremely difficult to offer any sort of cogent response to it--or even to know precisely what is being claimed.

And so it goes, on and on, in the dark echo chamber of bigoted opinion. Meanwhile, Christofascism and Zionazism are normalized--though rarely, if ever, named.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

After 7 Years In Office...

BHO is finally beginning to sound like the guy I campaigned for in 2008. Perhaps he's finally ready to be President...

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Stunning Combination

The Democratic Party has absolutely no reason to feel smug since it sold out the American Left and political progressives long ago. The Democratic Party is both duplicitous and corrupt. The Republican Party, on the other hand, adds lunacy to duplicity and corruption.

It is a stunning combination.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Company We Keep

People often express surprise at the Rev. Franklin Graham's bizarre views on a wide variety of issues.

But the fruit does not fall far from the tree.

Pictured above: Richard Nixon and close friend Billy Graham.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Political Bankruptcy

The current population of the United States is approximately 320 million souls. And yet, out of that multitude, only a few families are qualified to supply our government with chief executives?

Oligarchies produce dynasties--not functioning democracies.

The Farce Continues

US presidential election season begins - World Socialist Web Site