Friday, January 31, 2020

The One Good Thing To Come From The Impeachment Hearing: A Tongue-Twister

Dirtbag Dershowitz deserves to be disbarred.

Anyone who would stand up in front of the U.S. Senate and attempt to justify the essence of despotism, i.e., when a public official conflates his or her personal political interests with the national interest, should be banned from the Senate Chamber for life.

Dershowitz is as much of a moral midget as the man he represents.

Disgusting Dirtbag Dershowitz deserves to be disbarred.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Case Against Donald Trump

Clueless Donald Trump believed that he could conduct the nation's business with Ukraine (and, at the same time, his own personal political business) through wheeling and dealing. Rudy Giuliani, who conducts himself like a lawyer for the Italian Mafia, saw nothing wrong with Trump's methods, and so he assisted Trump in his political self-destruction.

Trump is a victim of his own hubris and ignorance, but also of the hubris and ignorance of those with whom he has surrounded himself.

It is time to bring these fools to justice.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Stupid. Brutal. Vulgar. Vain.

Donald Trump and his apocalyptic evangelical advisors and supporters deserve a new home:
