Wednesday, September 21, 2016

American Empire

The U.S. ceased to be a republic when the majority of its citizens became Willing IMPerial Subjects.


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Don't Blame Me, I'll Be Voting For Jill Stein

The Republican Party will survive a defeated Donald Trump--but will remain a twisted mess. The Democratic Party will not survive a Clinton victory. Any true Progressives left in the Democratic Party will revolt by the 2018 mid-terms.

Bernie Sanders will continue his downward slide into political ineffectiveness and obscurity.

In the next five years, the duopoly will fracture beneath its own untenable weight. When the dust settles, there will be the Tea Party, the Clintonian Neo-Con Republicrats, and the Greens.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Electoral Game Of Chicken

In U.S. politics, third parties must overcome a well-trained electorate's blindered inability to break free from binary thinking. But even those who learn to think outside of the duopolistic box must overcome a secondary obstacle: cowardice. A third party challenge tends to involve voters in a game of "chicken" where those who may be inclined to support a third party candidate fail to do so because they are unwilling to cast a vote without the assurance that others will vote as they do. Of course, third party candidates must get votes in order to be elected and so this kind of electoral cowardice becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

In addition, binary thinkers will often bully or scapegoat voters who support third party candidates by telling them that they are "throwing away" their vote or electing the worst of two evils (the "lesser" of which they have placed on the ballot in the first place). Unsurprisingly, each of the two options in the binary choice model is considered to be the "lesser" evil by his or her supporters.

What binary thinkers ought to do instead is emulate in the voting booth the character and courage of those who are capable of breaking free from the binary.

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
In lemming-like group-think

How to recognize a binary-thinking voter: