Things will be coming to a head with the Trump Administration. Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Obama all drew smiley faces on murderous policies. Bush II tried, but all he could really muster was some comic relief along those lines. Trump will do no such thing. He knows that we no longer live in a Republic (despite all of our denials). We are Voracious Consumer Capitalism Armed and on the march. And since he has no conscience to speak of, Trump thinks, “Sure, why not?” When the mask is finally removed and people all over the world see Darth Vader’s mutilated face, the revulsion will send us in a new direction—hopefully. This is a test, but it is not only a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. Virtual Reality ain’t got nothin’ on what’s coming next.
"The very principle of democracy is founded on the possibility of making alternative choices. There is no longer a need for democracy, since [liberal] ideology made the idea that 'there is no alternative' acceptable."
It is remarkable that some thinking people can distinguish between biography and hagiography when the subject is a religious figure, but are incapable of making that same distinction when the subject is a political figure.
Like his hero Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama is becoming the subject of hagiographies. But will history be so kind?