Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Dems Have Been Totally Outflanked...Again.

With the image of Trump bloodied but unbowed seared into everyone's consciousness and now rich and famous J.D. Vance at his side, Biden-Harris is toast in November. Dems need to stop whining about how Biden doesn't get the credit he deserves for being "the great President he has been." Rightly or wrongly, that is entirely beside the point. Dems did the same whining about Carter in 1980, and we saw how effective that was. Biden has a 38% approval rate, is obviously in cognitive decline, and--though this doesn't matter to a surprising number of "bleeding heart" Liberals--is an accessory to genocide. He was elected in 2020 not on his merits but because he was not Donald Trump. But 2024 is not 2020. The Dems have to shift gears and make some bold moves--or the election of Donald Trump in November will be theirs to own (though, of course, they'll deny it).

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