Sunday, July 28, 2024


                                         Photo: Steve Shapiro, 1966.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Biden's Legacy


No one forced Joe Biden to run for president — or to facilitate a genocide. His unlikely conversion to economic populism was a triumph for the Left, but he ultimately proved his own worst enemy.

As Marcetic points out, Biden's most popular programs were based upon recommendations made by Bernie Sanders--who, I might add, would have been elected President in 2016 had the DNC not deep-sixed his candidacy. And despite Kamala Harris' shameless promotion of Biden's "many accomplishments" (which she is careful not to name), it was Biden himself who undermined "Build Back Better" by trying to appease Republicans--thereby ensuring that little was ever passed into law. The Clinton-Obama formula of "talk Left, govern Right" is alive and well in the Democratic Party. Harris is cut from the same cloth.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Political Theater 101


So the same people who have been telling us ad nauseam for at least the past four years that Donald Trump represents an existential threat to American democracy are now professing to be perplexed why anyone would want to assassinate him. Moreover, they rushed to wish him a speedy recovery.

This should be as clear an indication as anyone needs that Caitlin Johnstone has been right all along.

Inevitably, when supposedly responsible adults play this kind of deceptive game, someone who is young and impressionable will take them at their word--and people get hurt.

U.S. politics are all spectacle. Behind the curtain, pulling the strings, is the military-industrial-complex. 

Howard Zinn

"I am totally confident not that the world will get better, but that we should not give up the game until all the cards have been played."

~ Howard Zinn

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

I'm Sorry, Joe. Did You Say Something?

 I thought I heard you say something. But maybe that was Donald.

The Dems Have Been Totally Outflanked...Again.

With the image of Trump bloodied but unbowed seared into everyone's consciousness and now rich and famous J.D. Vance at his side, Biden-Harris is toast in November. Dems need to stop whining about how Biden doesn't get the credit he deserves for being "the great President he has been." Rightly or wrongly, that is entirely beside the point. Dems did the same whining about Carter in 1980, and we saw how effective that was. Biden has a 38% approval rate, is obviously in cognitive decline, and--though this doesn't matter to a surprising number of "bleeding heart" Liberals--is an accessory to genocide. He was elected in 2020 not on his merits but because he was not Donald Trump. But 2024 is not 2020. The Dems have to shift gears and make some bold moves--or the election of Donald Trump in November will be theirs to own (though, of course, they'll deny it).

Monday, July 15, 2024

With Captain Biden at the Helm...

                                     What could possibly go wrong?

Friday, July 12, 2024

God Help Us All!


Joe Biden's refusal to entertain the possibility that he has suffered a loss of mental acuity is sheer arrogance--a familiar trait of his to those who have observed him over the years.


Biden will pay for his arrogance at the polls in November, and the rest of us will pay when Donald Trump is sworn in next January.


Unlike many Democrats, I am more troubled about entrusting the nuclear football to an accessory to genocide who displays symptoms of senile dementia than about how he is doing in the polls.


The Democratic Party elite share Biden's arrogance and top it off with a thick layer of stupidity.


God help us all!


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

What "the first Black woman to serve with a Black president" Can Do For His Country


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Hey Shipmates!

 I have plan: let's follow Joe Biden's example and pretend he is someone other than he is. That should solve all our problems.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Quoth He:


The stakes are far too high to keep denying Biden's senile dementia. Despite this, it appears that the Democratic Party would rather try to spin its way out of the mess that it has put not only the U.S. but the whole world in than do the right thing: replace Biden with a candidate who is compos mentis and can win in November.