Thursday, March 31, 2016

The American Spring: Milestone Five

The fifth milestone marking the emergence of the American Spring is simply this: Bernie Sanders has brought the Party of Hope out of the woodwork throughout his campaign. Clinton, who has been trying to get back into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. since her eviction in 2001, finds herself in a completely unexpected uphill battle—despite the support of Wall Street and all the major media.

Millions of ordinary Americans have rallied to Bernie’s “socialist” message.


Think about that.

In a country where school children are taught that Socialism is the greatest of all evils. They are taught, in fact, that Adolph Hitler was a Socialist (the word “Fascist” having been discretely retired from American English).

Sanders has been winning primary elections and, where he hasn’t won, he has often managed to lock Clinton in dead heats. This is the same Hillary Clinton who was all but coronated before the Iowa caucus. Only one year ago, this would have been unimaginable.

Oh, yes. There's something happening here and you don't know what it is, do you Mr. Jones?

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