Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Trump Fatigue

                                         CAUGHT IT YET?

Friday, August 23, 2024

American Liberals

The last item is really key to the psychology that underlies American Liberal politics. Libs want to feel good about themselves and about their country. Who doesn't? At the same time, however, they are unwilling to risk the negative consequences that may come from opposing the immorality of their own government and/or favorite politicians. 

So they put on their rose-colored glasses and tell themselves that the system is basically fair for all--it just needs a little tweaking. 

They shed a few crocodile tears while explaining that the Gaza genocide isn't really genocide because look how the Jews have been victimized in the past (a model non sequitur). 

They resort to the lesser evil argument and then change the subject by gushing over "the statement" Michelle Obama made with her outfit at the DNC. 

They order themselves another Starbucks latte and feel self-righteous about the stand they will be taking against the "vast right-wing conspiracy" when they mail in their ballots in November. 

They are the banality of evil personified.

Thursday, August 15, 2024