Saturday, October 31, 2020

Joe Blunder


Because of his leadership style (for lack of a better term), Donald Trump has made the 2020 election a referendum on himself. If Trump is repudiated on November 3rd, Joe Biden--a man who hardly campaigned for the office--will be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States. He will fill the role of "any functioning adult"--like one of the Vice-Presidents who succeeded a President who died in office. So he could turn out to be memorable like Theodore Roosevelt, Harry Truman, or LBJ. Then again, he could be easily forgotten like John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, or Andrew Johnson. But first things first: if Trump is not repudiated, Biden will be just another footnote in a long line of Democratic Party blunders. 

It is important to note, as well, that "being memorable" is not necessarily a good thing: We remember Truman for dropping the atomic bombs on Japan and LBJ for his escalation of the war on Vietnam. Joe Biden has never seen a war he didn't like or vote for. That's not likely to change.


Monday, October 26, 2020

Watch and Think!

Biden Speech to Clarence Thomas 

One can learn a great deal about Joe Biden from this speech--as he makes a great show of his "impartiality" while reassuring Clarence Thomas of his support (Strom Thurmond, Biden's old segregationist Senate mentor sitting at his right, adds his own reassurance at the end of the clip). 

While it is never easy to follow Biden's train of thought, he appears to imply that the standard for evaluating the merit of Anita Hill's testimony is the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard of criminal law. Did he not know the correct standard? Or would the correct standard not yield the result he desired? 

And where is the "lifelong stutterer" we've heard so much about? I see no evidence of anything like that in this extended speech. But the most important question as far as I'm concerned is this: how does one get off this ship of fools?

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Dear Liberals

Try as you might, Joe Biden is Joe Biden: you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ears.