Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Time To Clean House

There's blood in the water at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The sharks are circling. Clown-time should be drawing to a close.

Friday, December 8, 2017

To The Finland Station

Don't kid yourself. The Federal government is not engaged in politics anymore. It's engaged in class warfare. And you had better decide which side you're on.

Monday, December 4, 2017

If The Shoe Fits...

You have to wonder: Do these people have any clue that when they refer to themselves as "the silent majority" they are alluding to a speech that Richard Nixon made on November 3, 1969? In that address, Nixon appealed to those he called "the silent majority" to support his "peace plan" for Vietnam. He failed to mention in his remarks that he had ordered the secret bombing of Cambodia in March of that year. The bombing of Cambodia continued until May 26,1970. What Nixon called a "peace plan" was actually an escalation of the war.

Nixon was dishonest, Trump lost in self-delusion and visions of grandeur, and those who proudly claim inclusion in "the silent majority" are taken by both types of politician for fools.

I suppose if the shoe fits...but even if it does, why would anyone with any self-respect want to wear it?