Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Is It Just Me?

Or does Steve Bannon have the look of a man who is fond of three-day benders?

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Voluntary Servitude

And there's no state of slavery more disgraceful than one that is self-imposed.
~ Seneca the Younger, Ad Lucilium, Ep. 47.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The American Dream

Donald Trump hasn’t been in office a month and already his administration is imploding. He’ll take his ball and go home by 2019. The problem is that the Democrats—who fell over one another to kiss his arse when he was elected—will work the Republicans' debacle to their advantage, but not to the country’s. They forgot about the needs of the nation long ago.

The truth of the matter is this: the Donald is the American Dream, not an aberration. He will be scapegoated as one, however, in order for the average American to continue to believe in the very Dream that produced him. To borrow from James Joyce, the American Dream is the nightmare from which we need to awaken. The Corporatocracy’s repudiation of Trump can by no means be mistaken for an awakening. They are wishing Clinton had gotten the nod. She always had their best interests at heart...

Trump will be replaced by a more compliant stooge and the farce will go on.