Saturday, November 19, 2016


Only mass defections of Progressives from the Democratic Party will send the needed message to the DNC. It takes two minutes on-line to change your registration. It is a political act with potential consequences (unlike, say, FB posts). If you don't have the time or political energy to send such a message to the Party of Clinton, how will you find the time or political energy needed to stand up to Trump? And if you think Sanders and Warren will come to the Democratic Party's rescue, just remember this: When push came to shove, they BOTH supported Clinton.

Friday, November 18, 2016

America's Epitaph

In the alternative, try this: "If the Liberals had only been able to stop posturing just long enough to think..."

Socialism 101

The Greens represent Democratic Socialism while the Democan-Republicrats represent Corporate Socialism. Blue "vs." Red (the "vs." amounts to little more than political theater) gets us more of the latter while Green vs. Blue-Red (i.e., Plutocratic purple) gives us a fighting chance for the former.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Smoking Gun

All through the 2016 election season I had a hunch--and stated publicly--that Trump was a "head-fake," the Democrats’ stalking horse. As it turns out, my hunch was right: the leaked Podesta emails are the smoking gun.

This hunch gave me the confidence to anticipate that Hillary Clinton would be elected; I assumed that the Democrats were pursuing this strategy because they knew it was a winner. After all, the Clintons are close with the Donald and are old political pros themselves.

But, as it turns out, they are not only corrupt, they are incompetent.

All the self-pity of the Democrats in defeat is really unbecoming. Spare me. History is the record of unintended consequences. Own up to your own complicity in Trump's election, clean house, and return your Party to its historic opposition to the Plutocracy.

True Progressives in the Democratic Party: I call on you to get woke! #DemExit.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

There Is Only One Option Now

Dear Progressives:

In the wake of the leaked Podesta emails and the Republicans' triumph at the polls, there is only one choice open to you: flee the Democratic Party as fast as you can. Do not heed the calls to regroup. Do not feel any remorse for the Clintons or their failed strategies. Flee now and join the Greens. Otherwise, you will simply be fulfilling what was written long ago:

But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

~ 2 Peter 2:22.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

An Election Reflection

In the wake of yesterday's Presidential election, I feel a strange sort of elation—like the feeling you get when you stop hitting yourself with a hammer...

Both the Donald and Killery are poster-children, in different ways, for the White American Id. As the leaks of the Podesta emails confirm, the DNC, acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign, torpedoed Bernie’s chances and the Clintons elevated the Donald because they thought that they could use him as their stalking horse. The plan back-fired. That’s democracy for you.

The Democratic Party needs to split now. Let the neo-Liberals and Fauxgressives sign on with the Republicans and let the Progressives join the Greens as I did when Bernie left us standing at the altar.

And then let us move forward in hope.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Life In Clintonia

The Liberal lap-dogs of the Plutocracy have been preparing for months to blame the miniscule American Left if Donald Trump manages to pull victory from the jaws of defeat on November 8th. Those of us on the Left, however, know better. The only reason that Trump has a snowball's chance in Hell of being elected is due to the DNC's behind-the-scenes maneuvering on behalf of its candidate, Hillary Clinton, to assure her nomination. The DNC pursued this course knowing full well her established track record of war-mongering and scandal.

Her war-mongering disgusts voters on the Left and the Clintons' penchant for benefiting themselves and their fellow crony capitalists at the peoples' expense is even too much for many on the Right.

That said, Liberals and Fauxgressives still dominate National politics--and will continue to do so at least long enough to elect Clinton to her single term Presidency. At that point we, and the rest of the world, will have to endure life--and also violent death--in Clintonia.

But a new breeze is blowing through the Imperial center. Clintonia will be the Liberals' last hurrah.