Thursday, June 30, 2016


Legal counsel for the Clinton Foundation (not to mention the FBI) are probably taking a very hard look at this.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Anyone paying attention should be aware that World War III commenced on March 20, 2003. That is the date upon which the United States began its illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Unlike World Wars I and II, this third conflict is not a contest between and among nation states. Instead, it is a guerilla war fought by non-state actors largely against the citizenry of various nation states as well as police and military personnel. It is a war of reprisals in kind for acts of state-sponsored terror.

Unlike past wars, this one is not a fight for territory as much as it is a fight for honor. And since honor has no borders except in the minds of those individuals and groups who believe (not without reason) that they have been dishonored, there is no clear terminus to the conflict. It can (and potentially will) continue indefinitely.

This is good news for the war-profiteers and the politicians who see to it that the taxpayers foot the bill for this conflict in the name of "freedom" while they and their corporate enablers laugh all the way to the bank.

It is bad news, of course, for just about everyone else.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Since When?

Since when did the fate of the world hinge upon whether or not the UK was a member of the EU? Since when? For god's sake, people, your own house is on fire. WAKE THE F**K UP!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


In the long run, the nomination of Donald Trump will do less damage to the Republican Party than the election of Hillary Clinton will do to the Democratic Party. The reason for this is simple: many Republicans have begun to recognize their own folly, while many Democrats will not recognize theirs until it is too late.

Friday, June 17, 2016

With All Due Respect To Senator Sanders

The top priority of the American electorate this November is not to defeat Donald Trump. The top priority of the American electorate is to dismantle the Oligarchy. That means defeating BOTH Trump AND Clinton. Like it or not, Senator Sanders, you remain our only viable option. If the Democratic Party's Convention in Philadelphia does not nominate you, you must run full tilt as an Independent, taking your case directly to the American people. We cannot defer any longer the confrontation with the militarized corporatocracy that runs the two-party system. Every election cycle, the American people are betrayed by leaders who tell us, "Next time." Justice delayed is justice denied. Your campaign did not start the revolution. Your success thus far is the direct consequence of a righteous indignation that has been brewing in the hearts and minds of millions of your fellow citizens since the beginning of this century. Do not cave in to the prevailing "political reality." That is the reality of the elites. Instead, seize the opportunity to further the emerging political reality of independent voters and genuine Progressives by running an Independent bid that will demonstrate not only the moral bankruptcy of the duopoly, but its electoral vulnerability. Please, Senator, do this for us. If you do not, the revolution will go on...but, unfortunately, it will have to go on without you.

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Difference Is This

The United States is the world's number one exporter of violence; even so, we manage to manufacture enough to satisfy a seemingly insatiable domestic demand. Our government and its corporate enablers (the Corporatocracy) open new markets for violence every day and the U.S. taxpayer subsidizes the production of the instruments of mass destruction. The Corporatocracy consistently acts to obstruct grassroots attempts to control the dissemination of those instruments to the public at large.

If you don't think we need a non-violent political revolution to end the American violence industry, you are complicit in the daily murder of your fellow citizens. Perhaps you are not troubled by that assertion. Perhaps you would prefer to rehearse talking points about the Second Amendment.

There is a difference between having a conscience and having a set of talking points. The difference is this: a conscience can be stricken.