Sunday, December 28, 2014

One Hundred Million Waldens

There comes a time when you realize that your country is run by criminals in their own interests that and you are powerless to do anything about it; moreover, you are made to be complicit with their criminality through taxation and the threat of violent reprisals if you act.

And what if you do act? The forces arrayed against you (militarized police and the compliant media) are such that you will be exterminated, quickly and effortlessly, and then publicly defamed. The criminals with whom you must deal have seen to that in advance.

If you have committed yourself to non-violence as a principled way to disassociate yourself from the criminals, you will earn their smirking appreciation; nevertheless, the path of non-violence is the only truly honorable one and, you, wishing to be nothing less than honorable, adopt it.

What then is left? How to live? What to do?

You convert your home into Thoreau's cabin in the woods. You fly the blue flag of the Invisible Whitmanian Republic. You teach your children that no man or woman of true courage or genuine honor would ever consider joining the military. You give your surplus income to righteous causes. You do not look the other way but speak rationally and in a low voice about the unfreedom that is the American way. You live frugally, refusing to enter the consumption-mad lifestyle of bread and circuses. You talk to your friends and neighbors about strategic non-voting. You make tea and love. You surround yourself, as much as possible, with beauty.

And you wait.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


To atone for his sins of racism and war-mongering, Teddy Roosevelt confiscated huge tracts of land throughout the continental United States and Alaska for the benefit of the American people. The corporatocracy wants to reappropriate those lands for itself and has made gains in that direction since at least the disastrous Reagan years.


Friday, December 5, 2014

No, I Won't Shut Up.

Cleveland police seek to justify shooting death of 12-year-old boy

"What has become the official version of events is that police responded to a call that someone was pulling a gun and threatening people in the park. Police were not told that the 911 caller thought the gun was a fake. When they arrived, Tamir supposedly reached for the gun, and police had no choice but to shoot him. The main lesson, it is claimed, is that children should not play with guns."